Zendaya turned into the Desi Girl of everyone’s dreams, for the NMACC launch

Zendaya in indian attire

The Internet is flooded with celebrities looking awesome and attending most probably the biggest event of the year. Nita Mukesh Ambani has launched the highly anticipated Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre and celebrities from all around the world are there to celebrate Indian Culture.

No one was expecting Hollywood’s rumoured couple Zendaya and Tom Holland to be there. No one saw that coming and their presence was welcomed very well. 

Zendaya stole the show and looked breathtaking. Even the desi girls couldn’t beat her traditional swag at the Red Carpet. As her fans said, “She just ate it and left no crumbs”. Zendaya wore a shimmery Saree by Rahul Mishra, and she looked nothing less than Indian Goddess.

The Blue sequins Saree is paired up with a golden bralette. The floor-touching long saree showed off Zendaya’s perfectly toned waist. The borders of the saree are embellished with floral embroideries and is a perfect piece of art. With tied hair and minimal jewellery, Zendaya aced the look. 

About Author

Samar is a Nutritionist in process and besides making you eat healthy she loves to write. She is a passionate freelance content writer and knows how to attract audience and keep them engaged. She has experience in writing health, fashion, literature and lifestyle related blogs. She is also good at writing review articles that help the readers choose the best and knows how to increase your blog's traffic.

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