‘Why should I buy stuff here rather than at the shop next door?’ is a question that prospective customers ask themselves when they are thinking about purchasing a shirt, dress, or other fashion accessories from a fashion business.
Sometimes customers desire a strong reason to buy something from a business. And one way to swiftly convince your potential clients to buy from your fashion company is to give it a memorable, interesting, and accurate name.
Yes, picking a great name for your business or items is not easy, but thankfully, we’ll guide you on exactly how to come up with a name that accurately captures the essence of your fashion brand.
Let’s get into it.
How to Choose the Best Fashion Brand Name in Three Reliable Steps

Identify Your Fashion Brand
Aside from your goods and services, the most important element of your business is your fashion brand’s identity since it affects how customers engage with you.
Therefore, the most important factor to take into account when naming your business is your fashion brand, including how it should seem, its values and tone, and the feelings it should evoke in clients.
Think about the fashion house, Nike. When you see the name, how do you feel? It conveys to us a modern, luxurious, and active tone. And for one of the top fashion companies in the world, this works incredibly well.
Yet, the same name wouldn’t be appropriate for a conventional fashion company with a different brand identity since it wouldn’t really describe who they are, what they do, or how they choose their consumers to perceive them.
Begin Generating Name Suggestions
This is where you get to use your imaginative prowess! If you have a naming team, gather everyone in one location, provide a whiteboard, some markers, a notebook, and some refreshments, then begin writing words that describe the essence of your business.
Remember that evaluating the words you come up with during a brainstorming session could kill your creativity, so just concentrate on using your imagination to generate as many brief and catchy clothing business names that express the essence of your company.
Here are some naming resources to help you get started:
- Thesaurus
- Visual names, typically associated with colors
- Fashion slang and phrases
- Rhymes
- Getting exciting fashion company names for sale
Attempt to come up with at least 200 names that are viable at the completion of your brainstorming session. It doesn’t matter if you feel that any of them fall short.
By doing this, you’ll have large enough possibilities to consider when you go on to choose names that precisely capture your company’s personality.
Verify Your Names
We all trust that the name you chose as your top selection from the list of possibilities is the amazing company name you’ve been searching for! However, there are a few essential requirements your chosen name must meet before you use it as your business’s name.
The quickest way to verify whether your chosen business name is acceptable for your fashion business is to validate it.
You can validate your name by:
- Getting Your Client’s Feedback: This is the most important test since it will tell you whether the name will cause your target market to be interested in your company or not. Provide your top names to the audience before asking them to choose their favorite. You could ask friends, relatives, or even total strangers for their honest opinions.
- Check if it has a ‘.com’ Domain: Without a matching domain name and an excellent website, businesses with memorable fashion brand names cannot compete in this cutthroat industry. Therefore, be sure that any names you are considering have available social media handles and a ‘.com’ domain name.
- Trademarking: Registering your name as a trademark with the USPTO will prevent a lot of future issues. And the reason for it is that the vast majority of common words already possess some form of trademark protection.
For new business owners, trademark registration is a difficult and time-consuming procedure. Consulting an experienced trademark lawyer for assistance will help you in this part.
Your brand name is the game-changing asset your fashion business needs to beat its competitors since it will improve the performance, recognition, and sales of your brand. Therefore, to draw in new clients, you must pick a brand name that adequately describes the core of your business’s identity. And we’re glad we’ve helped you do just that.